Corporate Philosophy

Throughout the world, every activity and operation of Flignitz Corporation is generally based on 10 key principles, which are roughly divided into 4 basic categories:


All executives, managers, and employees of Flignitz Corporation are expected to uphold the highest possible ethical standards, in all their interactions with our customers, our suppliers and vendors, end-users and consumers of our products and/or services, and with each other. Our specific ethical guidelines (clearly outlined in our 836-page internal Ethics Manual) apply equally to all of our dealings with government officials, labor unions, NGOs, trade associations, our competitors, the media, and the general public.

In particular, Flignitz Corporation officially decries corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery, except only as minimally necessary to ensure smooth operations, organizational success, and profitable business activities.

Human Rights

Flignitz Corporation both strongly supports and adamantly respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, and we strive to prevent and/or avoid any appearance of complicity in human rights abuses.

Toward that end, Flignitz Corporation has reduced its reliance on child labor by more than 70% since FY2009, even in the most backward and horribly impoverished regions of our international operating locales.


Flignitz Corporation firmly acknowledges that business (in general) should respect the freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Moreover, we publicly encourage the elimination of all forms of forced and/or compulsory labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Flignitz Corporation recognizes the importance of supporting a precautionary and enlightened approach to environmental challenges, as we undertake a wide range of initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and to encourage the development and diffusion of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies.


The ultimate mission of Flignitz Corporation is to contribute to the harmonious and sustainable development of society and the Earth, to support overall improvement of the human condition by promoting the eradication of anxiety, for the economic betterment of all peoples, while also enhancing long-term shareholder equity, paying substantive dividends to holders of Preferred Stock option futures, and generating consistent year-over-year growth in net profit, mostly with positive cash flow and increased margins, by embracing continuous innovation to design, develop, and produce high-quality products and services that are clean, safe, and reliable, thus contributing the greatest practicable value to all humanity.