Consumer Alert # L344.16.01034



ITEM# L344.16.01034
2014-12-28 14:22 Flignitz Corp (USA)

CONSUMER ALERT: Several consumers in the US, Canada, and Mexico have reported sudden breakout of hives and/or mysterious rashes, some of which are claimed to have occurred after using Flignitz™ Grout Stain Remover & Body Lotion.

All reported incidents are currently under investigation by various medical authorities and independent medical consultants engaged by Flignitz Corporation at this time.

Please note that Flignitz Corporation stands firmly behind all of its fine products, and we firmly believe that Flignitz™ Grout Stain Remover & Body Lotion is a safe and effective product, when used properly, and according to specific directions printed in the 86-page, multi-lingual and lavishly illustrated Product Datasheet and User Instructions that are conveniently attached to each retail container.

However, and only as an unusual and extraordinary precaution, Flignitz Corporation advises any consumer who may be or may become pregnant, or with a history of mental illness (including depression, schizophrenia, or psychotic narcissism) or frequent and uncontrollable urges to urinate in public, or who has experienced outbursts of socially inappropriate laughter or flatulence, or who currently has hemorrhoids, gout, diarrhea, asthma, high blood pressure, heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat, migraine or other headaches, dizziness, seizures, vomiting, unexplained pelvic discomfort, hallucinations, excessive earwax or sebacious secretions, or suspected diagnosis of Ebola, to immediately discontinue use of Flignitz™ Grout Stain Remover & Body Lotion until further notice, unless advised otherwise by a physician or qualified health care practitioner.

Disclaimer: Health benefits and beauty-related claims have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor clinically tested or endorsed by any third-party organization that is not connected directly or indirectly with Flignitz Corporation.